Email Disclaimer


Washington  Nephrology  Associates  (WNA) will use reasonable means  to protect  the privacy of your health information  sent  by email.  However,  because of the risks outlined  below WNA  cannot guarantee  that email communications will be confidential.   Additionally, WNA will not  be liable in the event  that you or anyone else  inappropriately   uses  your  email.    WNA  will not  be  liable  for  improper  disclosure  of  your  health information that is not caused by WNA’s intentional misconduct.

Email risks  and  your  responsibility

At the discretion of the WNA, its staff, physicians and agents (WNA) and upon  your agreement  to the terms outlined within this consent  form, you may use email to communicate  with WNA.  These emails may contain your personal  health information.   If you decide  to use email to communicate with  WNA, you should  be aware of the following risks and/or your responsibilities:

  1.   As the  Internet is not  secure  or  private,  unauthorized  people  may  be able  to intercept, read and possibly modify email you send or are sent by WNA.
  2.   You  must  protect   your  email account,  password  and  computer  against  access  by  unauthorized people.
  3.   Since email can used to spread viruses, some which cause email messages to be sent to people who you  do  not  intend   to send  email messages  to,  you  should  install  and  maintain  virus  protection software on your computer.
  4.   Since emails can be copied, printed and forwarded  by people to whom  you send emails, you should be careful regarding whom you send emails.
  5.   As your employer  may claim ownership of, or the right to access, the email account  issued to you by our email, you should avoid using an employer issued email account  to communicate with WNA.


Conditions for the use of email


By consenting to the use of email with WNA, you agree that:

 WNA may forward emails as appropriate for diagnosis, treatment, reimbursement, and other  related reasons.  As such, WNA staff members, other  than the recipient, may have access to emails that you send.  Such  access will only  be to such  persons  who  have a right  to access  your  email to provide services  to you.   Otherwise,  WNA will not,  otherwise, forward  emails to independent third parties without  your prior written consent, except as authorized or required by law.

  1.  Although  WNA will try to read and respond promptly to your emails, WNA staff may not read your email immediately.   Therefore, you should  not  use email to communicate with WNA  if there is an emergency or where you require an answer in a short period of time.
  2.   If your  email requires  or  asks  for  a  response,  and  you  have  not  received  a  response  within  a reasonable  time period, it is your responsibility to follow up directly with WNA.
  3.  You  should carefully consider  the risk of using email for  the communication of  sensitive  medical
  4. Information,  such   as,  but   not  limited  to,  information   regarding   sexually  transmitted   diseases, AIDS/HIV, mental health, developmental disability, or substance abuse.
  5.  You  should  carefully  word  your  email messages  so  the information provided  clearly, yet briefly,
  6.  Describes the information you intend to convey.  You should avoid writing long “chatty” emails.
  7.  You are responsible for correcting any unclear or incorrect information.
  8.  WNA  reserves the right  to save your email and include your email or information contained  within your email in your medical record.
  9. It  is  the  patient’s   responsibility   to  follow  up  and/or schedule  an  appointment if  warranted  or recommended by WNA.
  10. Emails may not  be the only form of communication that WNA  will use to communicate  with you.
  11. Additionally, WNA  may decide that it is not in your best interest  to continue  to communicate  with you by email. In such case, WNA will notify that it no longer intends  to communicate  with you by email.